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4D Ultrasound

Our state of the art ultrasound 4D system mark a new dimension in women's reproductive imaging in Newcastle. This system is uniquely available through NUFW. 4D ultrasound represents the difference between video and a still photograph. Through this revolutionary technology, your baby's three-dimensional image is continuously updated, providing a "live action" view. Our ultrasound systems are based on an entirely digital platform, with very fast computer processors to cope with the large volume of data required to reconstruct a 3D images again and again, giving the impression of a moving image.

"4D" Ultrasound" ?

This technology is called 4D ultrasound."4D" is shorthand for "four-dimensional"- it represents a 3 dimensional image with the fourth dimension being time. As far as ultrasound is concerned, 4D Ultrasound is the latest ultrasound technology. 4D Ultrasound takes multiple 2-dimensional ultrasound images, creates a 3-dimensional image and adds the element of time to the process. The result: live action images of your unborn child or of any internal anatomy.

What are the advantages of the 4D technology?

In contrast to other 3D imaging diagnostic processes, 4D enables visualization of internal anatomy moving in real-time. This is frequently used to look at the surface of the face or other fetal structures ("surface rendering") which is surrounded by amniotic fluid to give a life like image. This can make the image easier to understand. It is sometimes used to view fetal abnormalities, such as cleft lip, so that parents can recognize what the doctor is describing.

Are there any risks related to 4D ultrasound?

No. 4D Ultrasound utilizes sound waves to look inside the body, just the same way as ordinary 2 dimensional ultrasound.

Why do the 4D Ultrasound images have a golden hue?

Physicians have the option of selecting different tints in reviewing images. GE - themanufacturer of our equipment - has found that the golden hue is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and shows excellent shadows and highlights.

What is Volume Rendering?

Volume Rendering is the process of capturing ultrasound image information and compiling it into a three-dimensional image. Volume Rendering allows doctors to visualize internal anatomy in every direction. For example, this can be used to capture the data necessary to reconstruct a 3 dimensional ovary, so that once the data has been collected the ultrasound probe can be removed and the necessary measurements taken later (?off-line?).

Can I always get a good image of my baby's face?

Often a good image can be obtained, but not always. To get an ideal surface rendered image, the surface must only have fluid around it. Sometimes the baby may put an arm in front of the face or may have part of the face resting against the wall of the uterus. At around 26 weeks, the chance of getting a better image is increased. At this stage the baby has developed some tissue between the skin and the bones of the face, as well as still having a reasonable volume of amniotic fluid around the baby.

Learn more about Real Time 4D Ultrasound technology from GE

Fetal Face
Fetal Face

Fetal Face
Fetal Face

Fetal Face
Fetal Face

Fetal Face
Fetal Face

Fetal Face
Fetal Face


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