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Assessment of pelvic Lumps

There are many different causes for a lump that has been found. The uterus can be enlarged by a pregnancy that has not yet been diagnosed. The uterine wall can contain fibroids, which are growths of the muscular tissue. They can be single or multiple and the sizes can vary enormously.

Image of fibroid uterus
Image of fibroid uterus

During the reproductive years, the ovaries are continually going through the cycle of egg production. This involves the formation and resolution of a cyst. Sometimes this process does not function perfectly and the cyst may become very large.

Ovarian cancer can also produce a lump. Ultrasound can help to find it at an early stage, when treatment may be able to get a good long term result.
Image of an ovarian cyst
Image of an ovarian cyst

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Gynaecologic Ultrasound

This examination is done to help identify the causes of pelvic pain, unusual vaginal bleeding and problems with fertility that a woman may be having.





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