Newcastle Ultrasound for  Women

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  1. What should I expect at an obstetric ultrasound?

    Early pregnancy (< 12 weeks) - Generally ultrasound is most accurately performed by placing a small probe into the vagina. With this method the most precise images can be produced. You do not need a full bladder for this type of scan. If you have bleeding it may be more comfortable with have a trans-abdominal ultrasound examination - a full bladder will be necessary.

    Later pregnancy - You will need to attend with a full bladder. The scan is performed by placing an ultrasound over the abdomen. In the lower abdomen, better images are obtained with a full bladder.

  2. What should I expect at a gynaecological ultrasound?

    In most instances the best scan results are obtained by performing the scan via the vagina. You may attend with an empty bladder.

  3. Do I need a referral?

    Yes. A referral from your general practitioner or obstetrician is always necessary. Without a referral Medicare will not provide any rebate.

  4. Do I need a full bladder for an ultrasound?

    It is useful to have some fluid in the bladder to allow better visualization of the fetus or the pelvic organs. This can be achieved without the bladder being so full as to be uncomfortable so please do not empty your bladder just before the examination. As a general rule:

    Early pregnancy - No
    Mid to late pregnancy - Yes
    Gynaecologic scans - No
    General Ultrasound - No

  5. Do I have to fast?

    No.  You can eat normally and this will not usually affect a pelvic ultrasound.

  6. How long does a visit usually take?

    Most visits are less than an hour from arrival at the ultrasound rooms. If a consultation or a procedure is also required, then it may be longer. We usually run on time, but you can ring before arriving to check this. In general:

    Gynaecologic- 15 to 30 minutes
    Late pregnancy - 30-45 minutes

  7. How do I pay?

    Payment is expected at the time of the consultation and can be by cash or EFTPOS (Master card, Visa or Bankcard).

  8. Can I have a picture of my baby?

    Yes. We will try to get a recognizable picture of your baby. This can sometimes be difficult depending on the position of the baby or the uterus.

  9. Can I bring a video?

    Yes. A video (VHS) of the examination can be recorded. You can bring one, or we are happy to provide a 10 minute tape for $11, the proceeds of which go to charity, usually Austcare.

  10. Can I find out the sex of my baby?

    Often the sex of the fetus can be seen. Sometimes it can not be seen due to the fetal position. Some parents are keen to find out the sex, while others are not. If you want to know the sex, please notify your ultrasound sonographer.

  11. Can I have a letter for my employer?

    Yes. Please ask the secretary when you arrive if you require a letter.

  12. What happens to the report?

    The report of your ultrasound examination is sent back to the doctor who requested the examination for interpretation.
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