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Pain can be caused by any organ in the abdomen and it may be difficult without tests like ultrasound to establish the exact cause.

Discomfort with the onset of a period is common. Sometimes a problem like endometriosis can cause severe pain and cysts can be seen. These cysts are often on or near the ovary.

The ovaries produce a cyst each month. These usually resolve around the time of the next period, but sometimes they can become larger and tender.
Image of endometrioma
Image of endometrioma

The bowel can cause pain which can be in different positions at different times. It is usually a dull crampy pain and can be related to diet and stress.
Image of an ovarian cyst
Image of an ovarian cyst

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Gynaecologic Ultrasound

This examination is done to help identify the causes of pelvic pain, unusual vaginal bleeding and problems with fertility that a woman may be having.






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