Newcastle Ultrasound for  Women

Obstetric Ultraound | Gynaecological Ultrasound | Nuchal Translucency Testing | General Ultrasound | Genetic Services
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Frequently Asked Questions | Information Brochures | Pregnancy Calendar

Ensuring you are fully informed

We provide a range of information to assist in giving as much knowledge as possible about the nature and possible results of your test.

Pamphlets have been prepared by our sub-specialist doctors for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, and those with menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms or those concerned about cancer of the ovary or endometrium. These conditions and the services we offer are relevant to all women, from teenagers to the more mature.

We are committed to providing the best diagnostic ultrasound service for women, delivering the highest quality health care with professionalism and sensitivity.

The Pregnancy Companion is a beautiful keepsake for the woman who wants to know more about the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and early motherhood.


Our Doctors | Our Location | Frequent Questions | What's New | ©2010 Newcastle Ultrasound for Women