Newcastle Ultrasound for  Women

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For your convenience we provide Information from our web site in printable versions. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print them.

Overview of Pregnancy and Testing
The 18-20 Week Ultrasound Examination

This examination assesses the number of babies in the uterus, the baby's age, the baby's physical development, the placenta's position and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby.
Gynaecologic Ultrasound

This examination is done to help identify the causes of pelvic pain, unusual vaginal bleeding and problems with fertility that a woman may be having.

Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (HyCoSy) is a transvaginal ultrasound technique that assesses whether Fallopian tubes are blocked or clear. HyCoSy has become a first line investigation of female infertility.
NT - plus ~ Early Pregnancy Assessment for Fetal Wellbeing

NT -plus is an innovative procedure that can help detect chromosome abnormalities (e.g.. Down syndrome) that may occur during pregnancy. Most abnormalities of the babies structure can also be detected.
Ovarian Cancer Screening

This examination helps identify if the ovaries are enlarged or if new blood vessels have appeared to supply a growing tumour. Regular screening is recommended for those at increased risk (e.g.. over 50 years of age) as ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women.

Sonohysterography is a technique used to give a good image of the uterine cavity. This allows assessment of abnormalities of the uterus and endometrium to take place, and also to show whether Fallopian tubes are blocked.
Testing for Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common inherited condition, affecting one in every 2,500 babies born in Australia. Testing is available to all couples with a family history of CF, prior to a planned pregnancy, early in pregnancy, or to males with a history of infertility.


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