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Throughout the reproductive years the ovaries are producing hormones and eggs. The ovary is one of many organs in the body that can develop a cancer. This usually occurs after the menopause and is more likely if there is a history of ovarian cancer.


Symptoms from ovarian cancer tend to occur quite late in the disease when it is difficult to treat. Ultrasound has been able to detect early cancers, while they are still small and have not caused any symptoms.


Growth of a tumour requires the formation of new blood vessels. Colour doppler ultrasound can show these vessels and the blood flowing within them.

Image of an ovarian cyst
Image of an ovarian cyst

Image of colour doppler of a complex cyst
Image of colour doppler of a complex cyst

Image of a complex ovarian cyst
Image of a complex ovarian cyst

Information Brochure

Ovarian Cancer Screening

This examination helps identify if the ovaries are enlarged or if new blood vessels have appeared to supply a growing tumour. Regular screening is recommended for those at increased risk (e.g. over 50 years of age) as ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women.


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