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Ultrasound can also be used for many other areas of the body. Examples include kidneys and liver.

Prenatal conditions found on ultrasound, such as dilated kidneys, can now be followed up postnatally by the same people who found the original condition.

Ultrasound is valuable in children as it does not involve the use of radiation and can help in abdominal pain and vomiting, soft tissue lumps, painful or clicky hips and suspected brain or spinal abnormality in infants.

Ultrasound can characterize lumps in other areas including:soft tissue; breast; thyroid gland; disease and damage in joints; muscle and tendons.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT: clots in the leg veins) such as after a long flight is also rapidly diagnosed with ultrasound.

Image of a normal thyroid gland
Image of a normal thyroid gland

Image of a normal gall bladder
Image of a normal gall bladder



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