Newcastle Ultrasound for  Women

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4D Ultrasound (Live 3D Ultrasound)

One of the latest - and most popular! - services NUFW offer is 4D Ultrasound . The reason for its popularity is that this revolutionary technology can generate what amounts to a three-dimensional image of a baby while it is in the fetus. The fourth dimension of the ultrasound is time, the result being live action images of an unborn child. When calling NUFW, you should specify you want to make a booking for the purpose of getting a 4-D ultrasound.

Fetal Face

Fetal Face

New Brochures

A range of brochures have been produced that explain in a user-friendly manner many of the different services they offer, and factors surrounding these procedures. The latest one is on screening for Cystic fibrosis , a common inherited condition that affects one in every 2,500 babies born in Australia.

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